Saturday, November 29, 2008
When time stops!
Every moment seems so long. All my thoughts have been thought before and they have rebounded several times. Its like a large cave where the echoes have had their echoes and now agonize the walls. Now there is a stillness when now emotions translate to a nothingness, prolonging every moment.
Its just funny, that life has come to a stand still and yet I brace myself for several storms ahead; good and exciting. This illusion of calmness is very intimidating. I believe I am taking the necessary steps to safety and yet I seem to hurtle myself to a gorge. Its like I am craving for feelings, can’t feel anything though; mine exhausted. This desire for dreams within a nightmare is strange.
Their seems eons to waste and moments frozen.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
A situation that does not change. A state of mind that is stuck. My best analogy; its like a chewing gum stuck in hair. I am comparing this silly thing with stress because the knee jerk reaction is the same. Get this thing off my head as soon, and as any means may!
Stress is a state and change is not instantaneous. It’s not necessarily just a state of mind, but a real situation: job, money, people. So the change is gradual, facilitated by my own actions and thoughts.
Is freedom of thought consrtained by an easy way out. Most desirable is a quick fix than the commitment to slow cook a change.
How does the survival instinct kick in if the optimism clings on to hope? When does one take the matter in their own hands and declare a full scale war? Is all this faith and hope just another form of fear? Fear that a complete war may result in a complete loss?
Why is there a belief that justice will prevail that prayers will go answered? Why do we all believe so badly in miracles?
This stale mate in my personal life could have been avoided, by being more cynical about the human beings.
Why is there is much faith in people doing their own work? Will people do what is right? What motivates anybody to be ethical?
Do I have the luxury to beleive in people? Do I trust people and let them control aspects of my life?
Now What?
Its easy to say NO. And yet I am here stuck with people and situation that is driving me nuts!
Stress might disappear but what will remain is the actions I take.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
VIM Command Short list
Command | Description |
vi +[num] ~/dsk/2DO.txt | : Position cursor on line "num" when file is opened |
All these commands are written from the vi man page or other valuable posts made by geeks on the internet. I am mere compiling this list for my quick reference & if anybody else that may be interested.
Recurring RegEx short list
Regular Expression>>Matches
Eclipse: Ctrl+F, w/ Regular Expressions
Find {100 in "{100,"asas"}, {200,"asas"}}.." and replace the number 100 with a string "" to get
{"100","asas"}, {"200","asas"}
Find: \{([0-9]+) .. () marks a group
Replace: \{"\1" .. \1 identifies the 1st marked group.. so the number matched is retained when replaced.
Find: ^\(.*\)
Replace: <span id="time_stamp">$0</span>
(10:42:59 AM) ..
<span id="time_stamp">(10:42:49 AM)</span>
Find: (A{2})(B{2})
Replace: $1, $2
<span id="name">$1</span><span id="chat">$2</span>
AJ: ahoy!! there!!
<span id="name">AJ:</span><span id="chat"> ahoy!! there!!</span>
Democracy.. or something like that! Part I
Long long ago, there was an ideal of democracy. Where some wise people realized that if they can't have all, no one shall. Not like this but perhaps experience taught these noble men that power corrupts and we are only human?
Democracy is meant to distribute power, so as to facilitate the greater good - justice, fairness & to defend the rights of every person.
Then why this ranting? Did something go wrong? Oh yes indeed! I am going to talk about US and not about the largest democracy in the world, India. Again, pls. keep in mind that the "IMHO" will be applicable to all entries on the blog; hence the blog and not the NY Post!
Power is available to a select few: Oligarchy! If your Daddy is not a politician, bad luck.
Public service is missing the "Public". Only politicians, Lawyers & public servants retain the power. Again we have this word "public"? Why is the Government not afraid of the people; their right to vote, to accept or deny what the government is doing to the people.
Why does the Law make it so difficult to sue a public servant?
Why can a law laid out by a court, learned people in the profession of justice & public service seem to go against common sense? Why is common sense so under rated & it seems necessary to have a warning on a step saying "Heres a step!"
Now like a monarchy we can inherit public services; say being a Governor or a President.
From the movies that I have seen, the court seems to be lenient with any kind of crime if the defender pleads insanity. So what if you want to get away with breaking all sorts of laws, where you decide to break the constitutional right of the people, or condone people who are being convicted of breaking the law. Well media spins it off as humor & people can get away with anything.
Is doing the right thing a political career suicide? How can we sack a politician for screwing it up? How can the Congress feel the heat from the people for creating crappy legislators?
Why can't we just scrap the stupid laws & legislations made over the past 30 yrs? Will we loose a lot of wisdom or our proclivity to dumbness.
Where the Supreme court seems to always decide 5:4 in favor. What are the other 4 justices thinking? Cases being pleaded by the Supreme court could be decided unanimously. The importance of the matter should be self evident, being the Supreme court & yet, 4 justices are against it.
.. I will continue later.