Friday, September 25, 2009


One of the many fun things in cygwin is the tool called fortune. As per the man page, it returns a random quote or anecdote. I do not wish to take any credit away from the tool, but just share a few here:
But since I knew now that I could hope for nothing of greater value than frivolous pleasures, what point was there in denying myself of them?
-- M. Proust

Psychiatry enables us to correct our faults by confessing our parents' shortcomings.
-- Laurence J. Peter, "Peter's Principles"

The Briggs-Chase Law of Program Development:
To determine how long it will take to write and debug a program, take your best estimate, multiply that by two, add one, and convert to the next higher units.

The sweat of hard work is not to be displayed. It is much more graceful to appear favored by the gods.
--Maxine Hong Kingston,
The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood among Ghosts

Leadership is nature's way of removing morons from the productive flow.
--Dogbert Dilbert strip of February 5, 1995

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Daily Rant - "Meditation Time"

Recipe: You need the following items:
1 Apple iPod
2 Custom playlists - "Creed" & "Tool" - For best results the following songs could be played in this order Tool: "Forty Six & 2", "Schism", "Rosetta Stoned", Creed: "Hide", "My Sacrifice".
1 BMW M3 6MT or equivalent(right!)

In a city, on some fast roads, preheat the S54 Engine by driving under 3000 rpm so the engine oil & the transmission oil is warmed up. At the same time start the music system, and crank the volume just enough to drown all other noise, while you still have some conscientiousness of where you are. Once the temperature is right, and the driver adrenaline level high enough - hyper alert mode for road safety and protection from toads on the road, safely and quickly move to the free lanes, never exceeding the speed limits (SL:40) more than 5 mph. Bring the speeds up to just about +10 mph. Then merge on the fast roads (SL:55) at 60 mph.

Let the music, speed and this high alert mode take over and then by the time you have finished listening "Rosetta Stoned" you have achieved nirvana. Listening to Tool can help me drown all the rubbish from the mind and following my instincts driving an M3 is more peaceful than anything else, so far.

Note: Driving safely on the road means more than just driving at or under the speed limit. Its being aware of your surroundings and being courteous to other people on the road. The high alert mode with the head spinning like a top to cover 360 deg. view makes this possible. Not to mention the ever so responsive and perfect M3. A lethargic Toyota corolla is more dangerous on the road than the nimble M3.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Daily Rant - "Nice Day"

"Matrix" by far is my most favorite movie, since it's references come up so often, on a daily basis. It seems nature is indeed programmed and it obeys the rules so diligently. Today, it was an amazing drive to office.. 64F, nice cool breeze, warm sunlight and gorgeous clouds. It was just perfect ... as though there was some program making all the pieces work so beautifully.

The All & Powerful Media & are we Immune?

Journalism has a new meaning... or was it the vague impression born out the better qualities displayed by journalists from the yore, that is helplessly clashing with these modern tasteful times. There is too much oxymoron in this sentence. Perhaps due to the confusion created by what is happening in the media.

Two celebrities Michael Jackson & Patrick Swayze died recently, and apparently there is a rejoice in the media. A frenzy of shows have poured over, recounting the last days and then the glory days. When Michael was alive the media called him "Whacko-Jacko" and now in his death, he is remembered as the "King of pop". Swayze perhaps did not have too much weirdness in his personal life to have been forgotten, until he came out with his fight against pancreatic cancer. Why is the media controlling the life of these great artists of our life time? The media seems to be in complete control of our emotions.

While I am writing this, a warning light is blinking in my head - Hypocrite? I am using the media to fight the media. The sole purpose of the blog is to expose this lack of justice to the people like Michael and Swayze. What kind of memories did Michael take with him when he died? Swayze gave us all an example of dignity and courage in his passing. I just feel we all need to offer this gratitude to these folks while they are alive than using them to sell news.

As per Merriam-Webster "Journalism" is
"2 a : writing designed for publication in a newspaper or magazine b : writing characterized by a direct presentation of facts or description of events without an attempt at interpretation c : writing designed to appeal to current popular taste or public interest";

I take offense to the meaning in "c". "Appeal to the popular taste"!! I'm certain that this is not at the expense of "b" .."presentation of facts or description of events without an attempt at interpretation".

There was much more honor in reporting and being civilized, or so I want to believe. Now it seems we are living like beasts, saved by all the fine prints in the legal documents. Recently Kayne West decided to exercise the first amendment, insulting a fellow musician Taylor Swift. After which he apologized profusely on Jay Leno's show. Serena Williams must have scared the living day lights out of the lines-woman at the US Open, and then "almost" apologized.

I thought saying "I'm sorry" meant feeling "ashamed". These days spouting these hollow apologies made infamous in the media is a sign of character. Just because you have these handy-dandy apologies lying around does not give you the right to be a jack-ass to begin with. There is a cost to character and it has nothing to do with having a PR.

We all need to understand this responsibility towards other people and ourselves. Even if the media makes a "wrong" look like "conditionally right" we all know the truth in our hearts. Following this conscientiousness may not be the fashion this season, but it has to be over our lifetime, if at all we wish to remain civilized.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Daily Rant - "The world is my oyster"

I thought I should just start this blog entry, to note some of the observations on a day to day basis. I must request your indulgence only at the cost of the accepting the long standing disclaimer, that this blog is just IMHO.
Ever heard the phrase "The world is my oyster". Today I experienced a different one - "The world is my ashtray". Nothing funny, just some minivan driver exercising his/her right, while I'm driving with all the windows down, breathing in the fresh air.