Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Subversion Notes

1. Sharing library files among projects:
I discovered a nice way of managing the SVN repository where the library files need not be duplicated for every project. I started a bare bone project with the lib files and imported them into the trunk. Now any project that reuses these library files, only has to branch of this trunk and add its own files. Thus, the lib files remain just in the trunk and need not be checked in for every project that uses the files.

ext-4.0 only exists in the trunk, a virtual copy exists in braches.

Next, I will explore svn:externals. Supposedly takes care of this shared files/project issues.

I am using svn 1.7.2 installed with cygwin/windows xp and Tortoise. Note: Apparently tortoise takes over the repository and svn command line seems to fail.

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