Saturday, December 6, 2008

Windows Must Have Applications and Tweaks

As usual, I hunt for better tools to perform the mundane tasks on a PC. In my experience, I have found the following applications absolutely necessary. I always setup my machines whereever I go, so all these apps/tweaks are handy. These all are mostly Windows XP applications.

1. Cygwin* - xemacs, openssh, rsvt (x11 terminal), Personalized .bash_login*, .vmric*, .xemacs*
2. Firefox -
Firebug, Adblocl Plus. All in Sidebar, AniDisable, Download Status,
DownloadThemAll, FlashBlock, Foxmarks* - Bookmakrs & Password Syncrhonizer, Better Gmail 2, Webmail Notifier (Gmail, yahoo, etc.),
Google Calendar Notifier, Tab mix plus, Undo closed button,
Greasemonkey - Gmail full width, Regular expression tester, remove marque (I find this really annoying!), dragdropupload, Secure Login, ScribeFire, Ctlr-Tab.
3. Notepad++ : Really good notepad with advanced features. Somewhat better than Textpad. And yes its free!
4. Console 2  - Tabbed shell.
5. QTTabBAr - Tabbed explorer*.
6. Beyond Compare - Its not free, but an awesome app for comparing files and folders!
7. Microsoft Power Toys: Tweak UI, Clear Type Fonts - MUST, Alt Tab Replacement
8. Ditto - mulitple clipboard*
9. JD GUI Java Decompiler*
10. CuteWriter - PDF printer

Some time later I might elaborate more on the purpose of these *.

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